U”ni*verse\, n. [L. universum, from universus universal; unus one + vertere, versum, to turn, that is, turned into one, combined into one whole; cf. F. univers. See One, and Verse.] All created things viewed as constituting one system or whole; the whole body of things, or of phenomena;
The word “Universe” implies that there is only one state of existence (the root uni-), and this may as well be true. We do not know anything about other forms of existence, albeit there are possible signs of possibilities of possible parallel universes or dimensions. Ours, in which we exist in (if you happen to be reading this in the same 4-dimensional, expanding universe that I am writing in), has the specific set of natural laws that govern all that are. Hydrogen atoms are this big, gravity works this way, light is just waves of photons or whatever, etc etc etc etc etc (times infinity). My universe, my perception of our existence is as follows: anything can happen, even things that we can’t imagine.
So we’re left to deal just with what we have.
The worst part of all of this is, you won’t get what I’m talking about unless you’ve had thoughts that are similar or a branch of these thoughts.
SOURCE: taeworld.wordpress.com/the-universe/
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